
I have failed as a mother. I have failed at learning to think before I speak.  I repeat the same mistakes over and over, and I fail to learn from them. I want out of my life. I am no good at being in my families lives. I want to disappear forever. It hurts to know my kids think I suck at being  good mom. 


Watch “YOGA CAMP – 30 Day Home Practice” on YouTube

YOGA CAMP – 30 Day Home Practice:


My thirty days of yoga camp.
I am in love with yoga, I love how I feel  from doing yoga. I feel more settled, more at peace.
How does a yoga practice make you feel?

Having fun living life

So the other day I saw Tedeschi Trucks Band was going to play on Austin City Limits,  so I went to the Web page of ACL and they were giving away tickets! I jokingly said to my husband wouldn’t it be funny if I won? Well I did! Now this show is filmed in Austin Texas and I live in Minnesota! Because you only live once we went!


What an awesome show! They streamed it live that night on their You tube channel,  and it will air on February 13th!
   We stayed in Austin Texas for 2 days checked out some cool stuff like this graffiti park


And then there was this park by the performing arts that had a statue of Stevie Ray Vaughan


Really cool park where you can bring your dog and let them run! Lots of people walking/jogging and riding bikes on the path.
The one thing I didn’t do is go to a yoga class. She is the teacher that follow on you tube, Yoga with Adriene! Just didn’t fit in this time. But if you are ever in Austin try to take one of her classes,  she has a great personality!
    So grab life and go for it!

“Find what feels good” Yoga with Adriene

I have started over with 30 days of yoga with Adriene.  Her logo is “Find what feels good”
And let me tell you it feels good, it feels right! I truly  love practicing yoga. I feel happier, more at peace with  myself!
I want to explore more styles. So far in my journey I have taken 3 restoritive yoga classes which I truly love. And a beginners 8 week class, a 8 week class about your doshas and yoga for your doshas.
My next class is an intro to meditation.  I have done the free Headspace meditation, it’s 10 minutes a time and for 10 days. So I am looking forward  to going deeper in this practice.
I am doing this for me, to give my mind, body, and soul the love I need♡
And with that I hope to become a better person!
Peace and Namaste


Suicide,  why do people do it?? Do they do it to say hey you are hurting me? Do they do it to say hey I am in pain! My soul hurts! I am sad,  I want you to know how you have hurt the way I feel?

God help me!!
My Grandpa committed suicide,  my Godfather committed suicide,  why did they?  I kinda know because I feel it so so many times but I am afraid! I do not want to die, but I am sick of what I am living! I live for others not me!
I want to live for quilting,  yoga being kind to others, nature , just peace!

Young Living Essential Oils

I made the plunge, I am now introducing myself to the world of Young Living oils! I have ordered my kit and am waiting on its arrival!

I would love to have you join me in the journey 🙂 Please contact me and I will hook you up in a whole new world!

My member id is 2402519 sponsor 2402519

Pamela Eastridge

So lets get ready to explore the world of young living oils together 🙂

Happy New Year 2015!

I am feeling wonderful right now! I love the way yoga makes me feel. Tonight I listened to disc 2 of my Sarah Mclaughlin’s cd while I was doing my yoga. At first I wasn’t sure if it would distract me, but it didn’t,  it helped in my breathing and really putting the stretch in it.
I stayed home new years eve as I worked today. I didn’t have a drink and it felt good!  I am thinking of giving it up to help in weight loss. I have a goal to loose 20 lbs by May 22nd!  I have been doing pretty good on my workouts,  even when it’s late and I do feel like it I  getting it done. So feeling good about that!
Oh my was I spoiled this Christmas by my husband! He gave me a mothers ring and a bangle and also a vikings bracelet (it looks like a Pandora bracelet) I love them all and him ❤ !
For 2015 I am wanting health! For my husband to recover from hopefully his last shoulder surgery!  And for 7 both to get fit together and be healthy!
Peace and health to you all too!

My cup of life…….

Since my last post I have not been doing my daily cup of yoga a day, I have only done my yoga 3 times this week! I feel like I could do restorative yoga every day! I feel much better each day if I spend time doing some sort of a yoga routine.  I have worked out every day except today, today we met one of our daughters and her family our 2 cute little funny granddaughters for pizza and a few beers. I need to stay on track with both yoga and working out daily! 
I am stressing a little bit, my husband has been out of work due to an injury and his benefits run out soon but he still has one more surgery to go! So I am a we – bit scared as to what our future income is going to be! I tell ya I would if I could and was not so nervous I would go to a yoga class each and every day just to keep me peaceful and calm 🙂
I am rambling here but this past summer I really enjoyed my husband being home on my days off. We would take our bikes pack them up in the van and go to the Dakota Regional Trail. We would ride for a good 3 hours or more!  I really enjoyed doing that!  And the thought of him going back to work on my days off kinda suck! I work every weekend so on Monday and Tuesdays we would do this, bike rides in the summer, walking at the Mall of America,  going to the science museum.  Our kids are grown we can now do things just the 2 of us and I love it! We will adjust and we will be ok! Am I telling you or just trying to reassure myself? Well anyways this just me rambling on.

A cup of Yoga day 27

I woke up this morning feeling pretty good, I slept all though the night with only 1 dream waking me up at 7am. So I decide I am going to weight myself and I am down 3lbs! I have been doing really good sticking with my workout program and doing my cup of yoga.  Then I go out to the living room and I fell back to sleep 😦 and when I woke up I had a stiff neck 😦   So off to do some yoga hoping I can stretch it out!  About 5 minutes in I am feeling my body warm, it’s feeling good and by the end my neck feels better too!
I started this blog to write about the things I like to do and just to get things out of my head. I never meant for it to be all about the yoga.
I will continue my daily cup of yoga but I don’t think I will continue to write about it each day, because really I don’t always have things to say about it each day. Instead I want this for what I had planned it for in the beginning,  just my thoughts an quilts and random stuff.
Have a beautiful day 🙂